Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Vienna Blood + The War of the Worlds


  1. Hello, this may be a bit of an odd question but I found your site through the Tygo Road disk - if it isn't any hassle, could you upload these episodes to YouTube? Tygo Road, as far as my search has led me to believe, has almost completely disappeared from public consciousness and I have only been able to find one episode uploaded on YouTube already, episode 2. Nonetheless, if I have got the grasp of what you do correct and if it isn't any hassle then it would very much be appreciated. I have become entirely enthralled with the series for some reason, lol, maybe it's just the fact it's so obscure and essentially lost, but nonetheless, again, would be appreciated.

    1. Sorry, but any time I've tried putting stuff on CensorTube it has been quickly disabled.
